Significant companies of STV group of companies
With a tradition dating back to the 1920s, the STV group of companies provides advanced and effective solutions and capabilities to protect our world. Our values - fairness, ethics, teamwork and dedication to the mission - are at the heart of everything we do.
STV GROUP je přední česká společnost evropského obranného a civilního průmyslu. Rozvíjí tradici výroby vojenského materiálu a trhavin, která sahá až do roku 1920, kdy byla založena První vojenská muniční továrna v Poličce. S více než stoletou tradicí a bohatými zkušenostmi je jediným výrobcem velkorážové munice v České republice. Specializuje se na vývoj a výrobu munice, ženijních prostředků, plastických trhavin a balistické ochrany jednotlivců, provádění oprav a modernizací vojenské techniky, obchod s vojenským materiálem a další průmyslová řešení.
Poličské strojírny, a.s.
The company, founded in 1920 as the "First Military Ammunition Factory", today focuses on producing and selling pneumatic components and accessories for mass transport door systems and mechanical components for weapons and ammunition. Its activities also include custom machine manufacturing to meet individual customer needs.
STV Machinery
STV Machinery (formerly MATADOR Industries) is engaged in higher-value-added engineering and the production of heavy components for military technology.
STV Technology, s.r.o.
The company is focused on producing high-precision small-calibre ammunition in 9 mm LUGER, 5.56 x 45 mm, and .223 Rem and converting 7.62 mm calibre ammunition to civilian version according to CIP standards. It is equipped with the most modern machines, which form a complete production line. The company is also preparing to introduce the production of 7.62 x 39mm and 7.62 x 51mm calibre ammunition, which will start in 2025.
FENIX Protector s.r.o.
For over 25 years, the company has specialized in producing tactical equipment, including backpacks, ballistic vests, and other equipment for the armed forces, police, and security forces. By working closely with end users, its products are functional and perfectly adapted to the needs of severe environments.
DEUS Automation a.s.
The company deals with industrial automation. It focuses on designing and supplying machines, equipment, lines and complex technologies for the munitions and civil industries.
STV TRANS, s.r.o.
The company focuses on transporting ADR Class 1 hazardous materials throughout Europe. Its strengths are its many years of experience, high quality of service, and extensive fleet of own vehicles adapted for ADR Class 1 transport.
STV ARMS, s.r.o.
STV ARMS focuses on wholesale and retail sales of guns, ammunition, optics, clothing and accessories for sporting and hunting activities. It offers top-quality products from STV INVEST group companies and renowned brands of sporting guns such as Steyr, Mannlicher, Sako and Tikka, and ammunition such as Sako, Norma, CCI and Federal - all in top quality.
STV POLSKA Sp. z o. o.
The company covers the business activities of the entire STV group of companies in Poland and is a proven and reliable partner of Polish companies and armed forces.
Patriot Sports LLC
A company specializing in the sale of guns and ammunition in the USA.
STV INVEST a.s., a joint stock company with a registered office at Nové Město (Prague 1), Dlouhá 730/35, Postal Code 110 00 Prague, ID No.: 27217710, registered with the Ministry of Justice in Prague, Section. B, insertion 9780 in the holding system controls the following companies: