BAHNA 2024: STV GROUP introduced 4 modern military platforms

The Flyer 72 light assault vehicle, the Patria AMV armoured vehicle with the NEMO self-propelled mortar and the Rheinmetall MAN TG and HX2 military off-road trucks captivated experts and thousands of visitors.

Last weekend, the army training ground Zadní Bahna near Strašice in the Rokycany region hosted the traditional Day of the Army Ground Troops Bahna, which is one of the most important and largest events of its kind not only in the Czech Republic but also in Europe. The event was attended by 50 thousand people. The general partner of this year's event was STV GROUP, a long-standing and reliable partner of the Czech Army and the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic.

STV GROUP presented four modern military platforms to the visitors: the Flyer 72 light assault vehicle, the Patria AMV armoured vehicle with a 120mm NEMO self-propelled mortar and two Rheinmetall MAN TG and HX2 military trucks. All these platforms are represented on the Czech market by STV GROUP, the only manufacturer of large-calibre ammunition in the Czech Republic and reliable provider of repairs and maintenance of heavy military vehicles.

Flyer 72

The Light Assault Vehicle Flyer 72 4x4 in Heavy Duty version was presented in sand camouflage, designed for a crew of seven. Historically it was designed for US SOCOM special forces such as Delta Force or SEALS. The vehicle has excellent clearance over the most challenging terrain, is air transportable and can be dropped from a parachute behind enemy lines. It has modular ballistic and mine protection that operators can adjust to meet the requirements of the mission. The Flyer 72 has more than 12 modifications for different military needs.

Patria AMV with NEMO mortar

The Finnish Patria AMV wheeled armoured vehicles with the Patria NEMO 120mm single-barrel mortar made its domestic premiere at Bahny. These are being used in combat missions in Afghanistan, Chad, Yemen and Ukraine, where they are proving their mobility, firepower and protection capabilities. The Patria AMV offers a top speed of over 100 km/h, a range of over 1,000 kilometres and is amphibious.

Rheinmetall MAN TG and HX

Rheinmetall MAN TG and HX military trucks are renowned for their reliability and robustness. The militarized TG 6x6 and the fully military HX 6x6 with ballistic-proof cab have already been delivered in tens of thousands to armies worldwide. These platforms are used in many modifications ranging from transport vehicles to heavy combat tractors.

STV GROUP has once again demonstrated its ability to bring the latest military technologies to the Czech market and confirmed its role as a key player in the defence industry.


We would like to thank all visitors for their interest and enthusiasm, experts for their invaluable contribution and foreign partners for their participation and support. Together we have shown that the defence industry's future is full of innovation.

Making a safer world. Together!


BAHNA 2024 - expozice STV GROUP BAHNA 2024 - Lehké útočné vozidlo Flyer 72 4x4 ve verzi Heavy Duty v akci - fotokredit Petr Růžek BAHNA 2024 - Patria AMV s minometem NEMO v akci - fotokredit Petr Růžek BAHNA 2024 - Rheinmetall MAN HX 6x6 v akci - fotokredit Petr Růžek BAHNA 2024 - Rheinmetall MAN TG v akci BAHNA 2024 - Lehké útočné vozidlo Flyer 72 4x4 ve verzi Heavy Duty a Rheinmetall MAN HX v akci - fotokredit Petr Růžek BAHNA 2024 - Patria AMV s minometem NEMO a Rheinmetall MAN TG v obležení návštěvníků BAHNA 2024 - ministryně obrany Jan Černochová, náčelník generálního štábu genpor. Karel Řehka, náčelník generálního štábu genpor. Miroslav Hlaváč a velitel pozemních sil genmaj. Roman Náhončík si prohlížejí lehké útočné vozidlo Flyer 72 4x4 ve verzi Heavy Duty BAHNA 2024 - velitel pozemních sil genmaj. Roman Náhončík si prohlíží Patria AMV s minometem NEMO BAHNA 2024 - velitel pozemních sil genmaj. Roman Náhončík si prohlíží vojenské terénní nákladní vozidlo Rheinmetall MAN HX BAHNA 2024 - velkorážová munice STV GROUP
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Group of companies within STV, with its tradition dating back to 1920,delivers advanced and effective solutions and capabilities to protect our world.

With our expertise, EU-based facilities, and advanced production capacities, we empower our clients like the Czech Army and law enforcement units to accomplish their missions. Our vision is to support heroes who defend the right of all of us to live in a safer world.