The current difficulties caused by the spread of the COVID-19 infection have a major impact not only on individuals and households, but also on the operation of many domestic companies, some of which, including manufacturing ones, had to significantly limit their activities.

In the Polička area, which STV GROUP shares, among other things, with its sister company Poličské strojírny, hundreds of people are constantly moving around, and that in itself is a big risk due to the high infectivity of the new type of coronavirus, the underestimation of which could have a negative impact on the company's operations. Therefore, immediately after the declaration of a state of emergency by the Government of the Czech Republic, strict preventive measures were taken by the company owner regarding not only the employees working here, but also the wide network of suppliers who enter the premises daily. Employees whose work is not directly related to the physical activity of production have been allowed to work from home, and measures have been taken for production workers to completely minimize the possibility of the spread of COVID-19.

In another part of the country, in the north of Bohemia near Nové Město pod Smrkem, there is another vast STV GROUP site. Here, too, thanks to timely and thorough prevention, the employees are still healthy and production is running in standard mode. However, STV GROUP employees used the additional equipment at their disposal and began to voluntarily sew the masks that are in short supply today, which they then distribute in their surroundings where they are most needed. So far, they have handed over hundreds of mouthpieces to the Retirement Home in Jindřichovice pod Smrkem and to the deputy mayor of Nové Město pod Smrkem. "The current situation is unprecedented and difficult for everyone. The most important thing for us is, of course, the protection of the health of our employees and their families. They therefore have enough protective equipment, masks and respirators at their workplaces to reduce the risk of infection as much as possible and at the same time our employees can go to work normally and receive their wages. But because we see that many people outside our company also suffer from a lack of these basic protective equipment, we have decided, as good neighbors, to use part of our capacity to sew hundreds of masks, which we distribute in the region where we do business," said Martin Vondráček, Director of the Production Department ammunition, explosives and delaboration STV GROUP.

Thanks to timely negotiations, STV GROUP and its sister companies can continue to carry out production activities as under normal circumstances, secure work for their employees and fulfill their obligations towards the Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic and other partners in the country and abroad.

The group of companies belonging to the STV INVEST holding, which includes STV GROUP, STV TECHNOLOGY or Poličské strojírny, is one of the most important employers in Polička and its surroundings. STV GROUP is one of the key suppliers of the Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic, the acquisition agency NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA), and other government organizations and private entities in NATO, the European Union and beyond. At its main plant in Polička, STV GROUP produces ammunition of various calibers and types, and at the same time provides repairs and modernization of military equipment such as main battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles or artillery systems. The company, which is today the largest producer of large-caliber ammunition in the Czech Republic, is also celebrating an important historical milestone this year, a full hundred years since the start of the production of large-caliber ammunition in Polička.

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Group of companies within STV, with its tradition dating back to 1920,delivers advanced and effective solutions and capabilities to protect our world.

With our expertise, EU-based facilities, and advanced production capacities, we empower our clients like the Czech Army and law enforcement units to accomplish their missions. Our vision is to support heroes who defend the right of all of us to live in a safer world.