Dar městu Polička na rozvoj sportu

STV GROUP donates 20 million crowns for the development of sport in Polička

Polička will see the modernization of its sports facilities thanks to significant support from STV GROUP. The reconstruction of the stadiums and the improvement of the facilities will enable the further development of local sports and community life.

STV GROUP, a key player in the defence industry and a long-term partner of the town of Polička, donated CZK 20 million for the reconstruction of the ice rink, the modernisation of the football stadium and repairs to the swimming pool. The move underlines STV GROUP's commitment to supporting communities in the regions where it operates.

"Our support for community development is an essential part of our vision. Polička has a rich sporting tradition, which we want to further develop together," said Lukáš Hervert, STV GROUP's Development Director. Jaroslav Martinů, Mayor of Polička, added: "Thanks to this generous investment, our sports facilities will become modern centres for all generations."

The support for sport in Polička is part of a broader STV GROUP strategy that draws inspiration from the approach of Tomáš Bat'a and also includes investment in community housing and infrastructure.

For details, see the press release pdf. Download below.

Making a safer world. Together!

On the photos from the presentation of the gift from the left Jaroslav Martinů, Mayor of Polička, Lukáš Hervert, Development Director of STV GROUP.


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Group of companies within STV, with its tradition dating back to 1920,delivers advanced and effective solutions and capabilities to protect our world.

With our expertise, EU-based facilities, and advanced production capacities, we empower our clients like the Czech Army and law enforcement units to accomplish their missions. Our vision is to support heroes who defend the right of all of us to live in a safer world.