HN v Poličce

The factory in Polička is running at full speed!

Hospodarske noviny took a look inside the STV GROUP factory in Polička, the only manufacturer of large-calibre ammunition in the Czech Republic.

The factory, which produces key components for the Czech and foreign armies daily, has become a symbol of the stability and strength of the Czech defence industry. At a time when security is paramount, the Polička factory continuously supplies European and world markets with the necessary ammunition. The production in Polička is an example of top technology and precision. For more information on what it looks like in a place where a new product is created every three minutes, see Hospodářské noviny's report.

Full article HERE.

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Group of companies within STV, with its tradition dating back to 1920,delivers advanced and effective solutions and capabilities to protect our world.

With our expertise, EU-based facilities, and advanced production capacities, we empower our clients like the Czech Army and law enforcement units to accomplish their missions. Our vision is to support heroes who defend the right of all of us to live in a safer world.